funeral doom
Albums scraped2021-12-06T15:23:52.946Z
Last updated2021-12-07T09:33:15.734Z
Released at
39Thergothon - Fhtagn-nagh Yog-Sothoth1991-11
76Funeral - Tristesse1993
17Thergothon - Stream From the Heavens1994
47Skepticism - Aeothe Kaear1994
36Desire - Locus Horrendus1995
52Skepticism - Stormcrowfleet1995
4Skepticism - Lead and Aether1998
68Evoken - Embrace the Emptiness1998
8Nortt - Graven1999
22Corrupted - Dios Injusto1999
84Hell - I1999
53Evoken - Quietus2001-01-23
13Shape of Despair - Angels of Distress2001-09-25
97Until Death Overtakes Me - Symphony II: Absence of Life2002-03
42Beyond Black Void - Desolate2003-01-01
7Until Death Overtakes Me - Prelude to Monolith2003-02-28
66Monolithe - Monolithe I2003-06-25
26The Funeral Orchestra - Feeding the Abyss2003
51Skepticism - Farmakon2003
35Worship - Last CD Before Doomsday2004-03
21Esoteric - Subconscious Dissolution into the Continuum2004-06-28
100Asunder - A Clarion Call2004-08
33Fungoid Stream - Celaenus Fragments2004-09-30
9Corrupted - Se Hace Por Los Suenos Asesinos2004
54Reclusiam - Reclusiam2004
83Evoken - Antithesis of Light2005-03-21
56Consummatum Est - Funeral Procession2005-03
90Ahab - The Oath2005-04-15
911000 Funerals - Portrait of a Dream2005-06-06
80Shape of Despair - Shape of Despair2005-08-03
25Remembrance - Frail Visions2005-09-30
40Wraith of the Ropes - Ada2005-10-31
75Nortt - Ligfærd2005-11-09
60Comatose Vigil - Not A Gleam Of Hope (07.09.2005 21:38:49)2005-11-20
24Moss - Cthonic Rites2005-12-23
71Kairi - Kairi2005
92The Fall of Every Season - Neglected's Motif (Demo)2005
77Abske Fides - ...Apart Of The World2006-02-18
65Catacombs - In the Depths of R'lyeh2006-02-21
38Until Death Overtakes Me - Symphony III - Monolith2006-03-00
58Celestiial - Desolate North2006-03-05
34Elysian Blaze - Levitating The Carnal2006-07-18
3Ahab - The Call of the Wretched Sea2006-09-29
87Asunder - Works Will Come Undone2006-10-28
69Funeral Mourning - Drown In Solitude2006-12-16
63Ea - Ea Taesse2006-12-20
98Woebegone Obscured - Deathstination2007-04-06
55The Austrasian Goat - The Austrasian Goat2007-04-23
31Aldebaran - Dwellers In Twilight2007-05-12
86Wijlen Wij - Wijlen Wij2007-06-06
12Worship - Dooom2007-10-19
95Moss - Chtonic Rites2007-10-22
61Vhernen - Vhernen2007-12-29
67Universe217 - Universe2172007-12
27Fleshpress - pillars2007
49Sea of Bones - The Harvest2007
62Ixion - Through The Space We Die2007
89Во Скорбях - Во Скорбях2007
5Nortt - Galgenfrist2008-02-28
43Remembrance - Silencing the Moments2008-04-14
59Remembrance - Silence the Moments...2008-04-14
93The Howling Void - Megaliths of the Abyss2008-05-15
16Moss - Sub Templum2008-05-26
74Somnolent - Monochromes Philosophy2008-11-30
29Left in Torment - Saturnian Rites2008-12-08
82Until My Funerals Began - Cemeteries Flowers2008-12-10
6Samothrace - Life's Trade2008
94Mournful Congregation - The June Frost2009-01-20
48Arcana Coelestia - Le Mirage de L'Idéal2009-04-09
45Profetus - Coronation of the Black Sun2009-04-29
19Stabat Mater - Stabat Mater2009-07-10
15Ahab - The Divinity of Oceans2009-07-24
81Solemn They Await - Sanctuary in the Depths2009
73Krief de Soli - Procul Este, Profani2010-01-01
78Ea - Au Ellai2010-02-25
96Remembrance - Fall, Obsidian Night2010-04-23
50Hell - Hell II2010-04
32Funeral Tears - Your Life My Death2010-06-15
46Shattered Hope - Absence2010-12-20
301000 Funerals - Butterfly Decadence2011-04-11
23Loss - Despond2011-05-31
99Gamardah Fungus - Celestial Funerals2011-06-23
28Atriarch - Forever the End2011-08-23
41Mournful Congregation - The Unspoken Hymns2011-09-20
37Aldebaran - Embracing the Lightless Depths2012-05-15
10Elysian Blaze - Blood Geometry2012-06-13
44Ash Borer - Cold of Ages2012-08-14
1Bell Witch - Longing2012-11-13
79Funeralium - Deceived Idealism2013-02-01
11Lycus - Tempest2013-07-09
72Ennui - The Last Way2013-11-30
2Bell Witch - Four Phantoms2015-04-28
14Midnight Odyssey - Shards of Silver Fade2015-06-08
18Ethereal Shroud - They Became the Falling Ash2015-06-09
88Funerary - Starless Aeon2015-07-17
57Inverloch - Distance | Collapsed2016-03-04
70Funeral Moth - Transience2016-03-13
85מזמור - Yodh2016
20Drown - Subaqueous2020-02-28
64UN - The Tomb Of All Things2020-12-18